Linda’s Judaic journey started after a 2005 summer trip to Israel led by Rabbi Robert Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Solel in Hollywood, Florida. It was her first trip to Israel and she was amazed by the beauty of the land. Linda toured the mountains, valleys and seaside. The history was in every footstep and her heart was filled with pride. It was then that her connection with Judaic art and artifacts began.

When Linda returned to the U.S., she was undeniably changed. She was commissioned by Rabbi Jeffery Kurtz-Lendner, senior Rabbi of Temple Solel in Hollywood, FL, to create a painting for his office to symbolize Israel. Linda used her knowledge of Jewish traditions and icons to create my collage mixed-media painting of the Star. 

This spiritual painting became the commemorative poster for the Israel 60 celebration at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida. The event was sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Broward County, and took place on May 4th, 2008. 35,000 people attended the event and many bought posters from Linda’s booth. It was an honor that she says will reside in her memory forever, and with that, her Judaic career began. The original art hangs in Temple Beth El of Hollywood, Congregation Beth Hatephila in Asheville, and Temple Solel where her first Torah cover resides permanently in the arc. Many paintings have become ketubot with

HardLox Festival, Asheville, North Carolina, 2013

The Ketubah ArtShow, David Posnack Jewish Community Center, April 2010. Photos with Cindy Michael, owner of and Sean Altshuler, Linda's son. Linda based her ketubah 'Hamsa Y'Israel' on a photo of Sean's hand touching Jerusalem's historic Western Wall.

Ketubot available on